Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Specky Mark of the Year v1.0 APK Free Download

Specky Mark of the Year v1.0 APK Free Download
Android Apps

Specky Mark of the Year v1.0 APK Free Download is the worlds first game dedicated to taking massive hangers and heres some of the great features youll get:

Unique experience every time you play. Smart opponents and random variables mean that no two games will ever be the same.

Download Specky Mark of the Year v1.0 APK Free
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Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Kamus Istilah Komputer

Kamus/Istilah Komputer

1. Istilah asing dipadankan dengan bahasa Indonesia yang umum.
Contoh: delete - hapus
exit - keluar
cancel - batal
2. Istilah asing dipadankan dengan bahasa Indonesia yang tidak Lazim
Contoh: scan - pindai
scanner - pemindai
hacker - peretas
3. Istilah asing dipadankan dengan bahasa serumpun yang lazim.
Contoh: batch - tumpak
homepage - laman
4. Istilah asing dipadankan dengan bahasa serumpun yang tidak
Contoh: discharge - luah
download - unduh
upload - unggah
5. Istilah asing diserap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia:
a. tanpa melalui proses penyesuaian ejaan
Contoh: monitor - monitor
internet - internet
b. melalui penyesuaian ejaan
Contoh: access - akses
computer - komputer
c. melalui penyesuaian lafal
Contoh: design - desain
manager - manajer
d. melalui penyesuaian ejaan dan lafal
Contoh: management - manajemen
architecture - arsitektur
e. melalui penambahan vokal pada akhir kata yang
hanya berupa satu suku kata, sekaligus dengan
penyesuaian ejaan
Contoh: fact - fakta
norm - norma
byte - bita
Istilah/Kamus Komputer yang Lazim di gunakan:
1 abort =gugurkan
2 access =akses
3 access management= manajemen akses
4 access unit= unit akses
5 account akun;= rekening

6 action button= tombol tindak, tombol aksi
7 action setting= penataan tindak, penataan aksi
8 active desktop= destop aktif
9 add-ins= tertambah
10 address =alamat
11 address book =buku alamat
12 administration= administrasi
13 administration domain= ranah administrasi
14 advisory system= sistem penasihat
15 affirmation =penegasan
16 agenda= agenda
17 algorithm =algoritma
18 alias =alias
19 align left= rata kiri
20 align right= rata kanan
21 alignment= perataan
22 alternate= silih
23 alternate recipient= penerima pilihan
24 animation= animasi
25 anonymous remailer= penyurat-balik anonim
26 append= bubuh
27 application= aplikasi
28 apply= terapkan
29 apply design =desain terapan
30 arrange= susun
31 array =larik
32 artificial intelligence= kecerdasan buatan, intelegensi
33 ascending =menanjak, urut naik
34 attribute= atribut
35 auto clip art= gambar klip otomatis
36 auto-correct =pembetulan otomatis, otokoreksi
37 auto-forward= maju otomatis
38 auto-replay= putar ulang otomatis
39 auto-reply =balasan otomatis
40 autofit= otofit
41 autoformat format =otomatis, otoformat
42 automatic learning =pemelajaran otomatis
43 autoshapes= bentuk otomatis
44 autosum =total otomatis; jumlah otomatis
45 back balik;= belakang
46 back slash= garis miring kiri
47 back space =spasi mundur
48 back up =(rekam) cadangan
49 background= latar belakang
50 backtracking =lacak balik
51 backward chaining =perantaian balik
52 band =pita
53 bandwidth =lebar pita
54 bar= batang
55 bar-code= kode batang
56 bar-code reader =pembaca kode batang
57 bar-code scanner= pemindai kode batang
58 base= basis
59 batch = tumpak
60 best-first search =telusur pertama terbaik
61 binary= biner
62 bit= bit
63 bit map =peta bit
64 blackboard model= model papan tulis
65 blind copy recipient= penerima kopi buntu; penerima
salin buntu
66 body bodi=; badan
67 body text= teks tubuh
68 bold =tebal
69 border =batas
70 bps= bps (bit per second)
71 breadth-first search= telusur pertama lebar
72 break= putus
73 broadcast mail= surat siaran
74 broadcast videography= videografi siaran
75 browse ramban=; jelajah
76 browsers peramban=; penjelajah
77 buffer= penyangga
78 bug= kutu
79 bullet= bulet
80 button= tombol
81 byte =bita
82 cache memory memori tembolok, memori
83 cancel= batal
84 capacity =kapasitas
85 capslock =kancing kapital
86 caption= takarir
87 card =kartu
88 cartridge kartrid=, selongsong, patrun
89 cartridge disk= disket kartu
90 cascade= riam
91 cell =sel
92 center =tengah
93 central processing unit (CPU)= unit pengolah pusat (UPP)
94 change case =ubah karakter
95 channel =saluran,= kanal
96 character =aksara; karakter
97 chart =bagan
98 chatting= rumpi
99 clear bersih=; bersihkan
100 click= klik
101 client= klien
102 close= tutup
103 closed file= berkas tertutup
104 cluster gugus=; rumpun
105 coding =pengodean
106 color= warna
107 color monitor= monitor warna
108 column =kolom
109 comments =komentar
110 common name =nama umum
111 computer= komputer
112 computer aided =berbantuan komputer
113 computer aided design (CAD)= desain berbantuan komputer (DBK)
114 computer aided instruction= instruksi berbantuan komputer
115 computer aided manufacturing= pemanufakturan berbantuan
116 computer conference= konferensi komputer
117 computer memory =memori komputer
118 computer network=jaringan komputer
119 conclusion part= bagian kesimpulan
120 content= isi
121 content type =tipe isi
122 control(ctrl)= kontrol (ktrl), kendali
123 convert= ubah
124 copy salinan;= kopi
125 copy recipient= penerima salinan
126 count =cacah
127 country name= nama negara
128 crack= rengkah
129 cracker =perengah
130 create new= buat baru
131 cursor= kursor
132 custom views =tilik pesanan, tilik suai
133 customizes= sesuai
134 cut =potong
135 cut-off= putus
136 daemon =jurik
137 data =data
138 data analysis display= tampilan analisis data
139 data anaysis =analisis data
140 data bank= bank data
141 data interchange =saling tukar data
142 data logging= pencatatan data
143 data processing pemrosesan data, pengolahan data
144 data processor =pemroses data
145 database pangkalan data, basis data
146 datasheet =lembar data
147 date= tanggal
148 debug =awakutu
149 decimal= desimal
150 declarative knowledge= pengetahuan deklaratif
151 decoding= pengawasandian
152 decrease =kurang; susut
153 deduction= deduksi
154 deductive inference= inferensi deduksi
155 deferred delivery =pengiriman tertunda
156 delete= hapus
157 delete item= butir hapus
158 delivery= pengiriman
159 delivery notification= pemberitahuan pengiriman
160 depth-first search= telusur pertama kedalaman
161 descending menurun,= urut turun
162 design desain;= rancangan
163 desk application= aplikasi meja
164 digit= digit
165 digital =digital
166 digital computer= komputer digital
167 direct submission= submisi langsung
168 direct user= pengguna langsung
169 directory =direktori
170 directory information= informasi direktori
171 directory management= manajemen direktori
172 directory name= nama direktori
173 directory system =sistem direktori
174 directory system agent= agen sistem direktori
175 directory user =pengguna direktori
176 directory user agent= agen pengguna direktori
177 disc disket;= cakram; diska
178 disclosure of other= penyingkapan lain
179 disconnected network =drive pemacu jaringan tak-tersambung
180 discuss diskusi
181 disk drive penggerak disket=; penggerak
182 disk memory memori disket=; memori cakram
183 diskette =disket
184 display= tayangan
185 display station= monitor peraga
186 distribution list= senarai distribusi
187 document =dokumen
188 document delivery= pengiriman dokumen
189 document interchange= saling tukar dokumen
190 domain= ranah
191 domain knowledge =pengetahuan ranah
192 domain model= model ranah
193 domain name server= server nama ranah; peladen nama
194 down =anjlok
195 download= unduh
196 drag= seret
197 draw gambar=; lukis
198 draw table= buat tabel
199 drawing =penggambaran
200 drive= penggerak
201 dummy =tiruan
202 edit =edit
203 electronic data proccessing pemrosesan data elektronik (PDE)
204 electronic archive= arsip elektronik
205 electronic data =data elektronik
206 electronic document= dokumen elektronik
207 electronic mail= surat elektronik
208 electronic mailbox =kotak surat elektronik
209 electronic messaging =pemesanan elektronik
210 emoticon= ikon emosi
211 encoded information= informasi tersandi
212 encoding= penyandian
213 encryption= enkripsi
214 end selesai=; tamat
215 enter =enter
216 entry =entri
217 envelope= amplop
218 episode= episode
219 erase =hapus
220 eraser= penghapus
221 error= galat
222 esc(ape) hindar=; keluar balik
223 evaluation function =fungsi evaluasi
224 exit =keluar
225 expert system (ES)=sistem pakar (SP)
226 expiration date =tanggal ekspirasi
227 expiry date indication =indikasi tanggal kedaluwarsa
228 explorer =penjelajah
229 export= ekspor
230 facsimile= faksimile
231 facsimile machine= mesin faksimile
232 fax= faks
233 fax board =papan faks
234 fax machine= mesin faks
235 fax modem =modem faks
236 feedback balikan=; umpan balik
237 fetch jemput=; ambil
238 field= ruas
239 field length =panjang ruas
240 file= berkas
241 file name= nama berkas
242 filing= pemberkasan
243 fill= isi
244 fill character= isi karakter
245 filter tapis=; filter
246 filtering =penapisan
247 find cari=; temukan
248 firmware peranti tegar, perangkat tegar
249 floppy disk disket liuk; cakram liuk
250 folder pelipat
251 font huruf; fonta
252 font size ukuran huruf
253 footer kaki halaman
254 foreground latar depan
255 format format
256 format painter pewarna format
257 formula formula, rumus
258 forward depan
259 forward chaining perantaian maju
260 frame bingkai
261 front-end ujung depan
262 full screen layar penuh
263 gateway gerbang
264 general umum
265 generate bangkitkan
266 get dapatkan
267 gigabyte gigabita
268 go to menuju
269 gridlines garis kisi
270 hack retas
271 hacker peretas
272 hang macet
273 hanging indent inden macet
274 hard disk cakram keras
275 hardware perangkat keras
276 header tajuk
277 heading penajukan
278 help bantuan
279 heuristic search telusur heuristik
280 hide tersembunyi
281 highlight sorot
282 history sejarah
283 home pangkal
284 home base basis pangkal
285 horizontal horizontal
286 hub hub
287 hyperlink hipertaut
288 identity (ID) identitas (ID); tanda kenal
289 If-then rule kaidah jika-maka
290 If-then statement pernyataan jika-maka
291 image interpretation inteprestasi citra
292 image understanding pemahaman citra
293 image recognition rekognisi citra
294 import masuk; impor
295 in-basket masuk keranjang
296 inbox kotak masuk
297 indent inden
298 index indeks
299 inference engine mesin inferensi
300 informatics informatika
301 information informasi
302 information object objek informasi
303 information system sistem informasi
304 information technology (IT) teknologi informasi (TI)
305 input masukan
306 input data data masukan
307 input/output (I/O) masukan/keluaran (M/K)
308 insert sisip, sisipan
309 install instal
310 instruction pembelajaran, instruksi
311 integrated software perangkat keras terpadu
312 interactive videography videografi interaktif
313 interface antarmuka
314 intranet intranet
315 IP (identification personal) alamat PI (personal
address identifikasi)
316 italic italik; miring
317 joining penggabungan
318 key kunci; tombol
319 key field medan kunci; medan tombol
320 key lock terkunci
321 keyboard papan ketik; papan tombol
322 keyboard entry entri papan ketik; entri papan
323 keyboard printer pencetak papan ketik
324 keypad bantalan kunci
325 keyword kata kunci; kata sandi
326 kilobyte kilobita
327 knowledge acquisition persyaratan pengetahuan
328 knowledge base basis pengetahuan
329 knowledge engineer insinyur pengetahuan
330 knowledge engineering rekayasa pengetahuan
331 label label
332 landscape lanskap
333 launch luncur
334 launching peluncuran
335 leased line jalur sewaan
336 left kiri
337 legal pleadings pembelaan legal
338 letters and fax surat dan faks
339 line garis; jalur
340 links taut
341 list senarai
342 load muat
343 lock kancing
344 log in log masuk
345 log off log keluar
346 log on log masuk
347 log out log keluar
348 lower case sosok (huruf) bawah
349 macro makro
350 macro instructions instruksi makro
351 macroprocessor makroprosesor; pemroses makro
352 magnetic disc storage penyimpan disket magnetik
353 mail surat
354 mail broadcaster penyiar surat
355 mailbox kotak surat
356 mainframe bingkai induk; kerangka induk
357 management domain ranah manajemen
358 map network drive pemacu jaringan peta
359 master data data utama; data induk
360 master file berkas induk
361 means-end analysis analisis rerata-akhir
362 media player penggelar media
363 megabyte megabita
364 memo memo
365 memory memori
366 memory cache memori tembolok
367 memory capacity kapasitas memori
368 menu menu
369 merge gabung
370 message pesan
371 message handling penanganan pesan
372 message retrieval temu kembali pesan
373 message storage penyimpanan pesan
374 message transfer transfer pesan
375 message transfer agent agen transfer pesan
376 microcomputer mikrokomputer; komputer mikro
377 microprocessor mikroprosesor; prosesor mikro
378 minicomputer minikomputer
379 missing penghilangan
380 modem modem
381 moderated conference konferensi terpadu
382 monitor monitor
383 monitor display tampilan monitor
384 motherboard papan induk
385 mouse tetikus
386 movie film
387 multi-tasking penugasan ganda
388 multimedia multimedia
389 multiple of firing ganda penyalaan
390 name resolution resolusi nama
391 naming authority otoritas penamaan
392 natural language bahasa alami
393 network jaringan
394 networking jejaring
395 new mail surat baru
396 nondelivery takterkirim
397 numbering penomoran
398 numlock kancing angka
399 O/R address alamat O/R
400 object objek
401 off padam
402 office automation otomasi kantor
403 offline terputus
404 ok oke
405 on hidup, on
406 on line terhubung; tersambung
407 open buka
408 operating system (OS) sistem operasi (SO)
409 operator operator
410 optical disk disket optik
411 option opsi; pilihan
412 originator originator
413 originator/recipient originator/penerima
414 other documents dokumen lain
415 out-basket keranjang luar
416 outline kerangka, ragangan
417 output keluaran
418 pack and go kemas dan jalankan
419 page default standar halaman
420 page down (PgDn) turun halaman
421 page number nomor halaman
422 page preview pratilik halaman
423 page set up tata halaman
424 page up (PgUp) naik halaman
425 page width lebar halaman
426 paragraph paragraf
427 password sandi lewat
428 paste pasta, rekat
429 paste special spesial pasta
430 pause jeda
431 percent style gaya persentase
432 physical delivery pengiriman fisik
433 physical delivery access akses pengiriman fisik
434 picture gambar
435 pixel piksel
436 port pangkalan
437 portrait potret
438 power daya
439 preview pratilik
440 preview not available pratilik taktersedia
441 primary storage penyimpan utama
442 print cetak
443 print area wilayah cetak
444 print out cetakan
445 print preview pratilik cetak
446 print screen cetak layar
447 printer pencetak
448 private domain name nama ranah pribadi
449 private management manajemen pribadi
450 probe kuar
451 process proses
452 processor pemroses; prosesor
453 program program
454 programmer pemrogram, programer
455 programmer analyst analis pemrogram; analis
456 programming pemrograman
457 programming language bahasa pemrograman
458 prompt siap ketik
459 proof of delivery service kedap layanan pengiriman
460 properties properti
461 protect proteksi; perlindungan
462 protocol protokol
463 publications publikasi
464 query permintaan, kueri
465 quit keluar
466 random access akses acak
467 random access memory (RAM) memori akses acak
468 read only memory (ROM) memori baca-saja
469 reader pembaca
470 ready siap
471 receipt menerima
472 received diterima
473 recipient penerima
474 record utas; rekam
475 redo jadi lagi
476 redundancy kelewahan; redundansi
477 refresh segar
478 release luncuran; terbitan
479 remove hapus
480 rename ganti judul, nama ulang
481 repeat ulang
482 replace ganti
483 replication replikasi
484 reply jawab
485 reply all jawab semua
486 reports laporan
487 reset tata ulang
488 resource sumber daya
489 restart start ulang
490 restore simpan ulang
491 resume teruskan lagi
492 retrieval temu kembali
493 retry coba lagi
494 return kembali
495 rewrite tulis ulang
496 right kanan
497 row baris
498 ruler mistar
499 run jalankan
500 save simpan
501 save as simpan sebagai
502 save as HTML (hyper markup simpan sebagai bahasa markah
language) hiper teks (BMHT)
503 scan pindai
504 scanner pemindai
505 screen layar
506 scroll menggulung
507 scroll lock kunci gulung
508 search telusur
509 secondary recipient penerima sekunder
510 sector sektor
511 secure access akses aman
512 security keamanan
513 segment segmen
514 select pilih
515 select all pilih semua
516 send kirim
517 send to kirim kepada
518 sent item surat/butir terkirim
519 series seri
520 server peladen; server
521 set up show tata tampilan
522 setting penataan
523 setup tata
524 shading pembayangan
525 share workbook buku kerja bersama
526 shareable directory direktori terbagi
527 sheet lembar
528 shift alih
529 shut down tutup padam
530 signature tanda tangan
531 slash garis miring
532 sleep pudar
533 slide salindia
534 slide colour scheme skema warna salindia
535 slide from files salindia dari berkas
536 slide from outlines salindia dari ragangan
537 slide layout tata letak salindia
538 slide miniature miniatur salindia
539 slide number nomor salindia
540 slide show tampil salindia
541 slide sorter penyortir salindia; pemilah
542 slot slot
543 software perangkat lunak
544 sort sortir; pilah
545 sound suara
546 source sumber
547 space spasi
548 spacebar batang spasi
549 speaker noter pencatat pembicara
550 spelling ejaan
551 split belah
552 splitting pembelahan
553 spread sheet lembar sebar
554 standby siaga
555 start mulai; star
556 start up hidupkan
557 status bar batang status
558 stop stop
559 stored message alert siaga pesan tersimpan
560 style gaya
561 style checker pemeriksa gaya
562 subdirectory subdirektori
563 subject subjek
564 submission submisi
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Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Download Talking Pocket Sexy Miss Girl v 1.0 APK. Install now Talking Pocket Miss Sexy Girl full version on your smartphone!  Virtual Sexy Talking Girl now on your phone! Talking Pocket Sexy Miss Girl is the most beautiful mobile app available today for your smartphone and tablet. Hot, smart and sexy girl who speaks to you and playing with you! You can interact with her and advance higher and higher earning more points and discover new videos and actions.  Virtual Girlfriend reacts and moves relative to the movements of a finger across the screen. She is interactive and almost like a real. Talking Girl not only dances and moves but she talks to you and listens to you. Maybe she is not as TALKING TOM but certainly has a beautiful voice, she is prettier and not virtual.  You can earn points visible in the red heart, which unlocks additional new actions. Movies in the Talking Miss Girl application are almost live, in various poses and with a bit of humor. Install Pocket Talking Sexy Girlfriend on your phone and find out how you can have fun and earn points for interacting with a beautiful girl. The girl smiles, anger or shows the tongue. By earning points you have the chance to invite her for a date, ask for a kiss, put on her a hat and sunglasses, dress clothes, give a teddy bear as a gift, flowers or make a drink.

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Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Snowflakes Live Wallpaper HD Apk v2.5 

Snowflakes Live Wallpaper HD v2.5
Requirement:android 2.1 and up

Hundreds of HD snowflakes featuring millions of possible combinations...
Welcome to the fully customizable version of Snowflakes Live Wallpaper featuring hundreds of high definition snowflakes...
Customize with millions of possible combinations - use your own photos, change the speed, size, shapes, background, colors, physics, even save your own presets!
Happy Holidays! :-)
* ∗ ☆ ∗ * ∗ ★ ∗ * ∗ ☆ ∗ * ∗ ★ ∗ * ∗ ☆ ∗ * ∗ * ∗ ★ ∗ *
∗ To set your own background, select Custom from the Background Type menu and choose an image from your gallery.
∗ If you are having any issues PLEASE contact me via email. Im really very friendly and am happy to help.

Whats in this version:
✓ Smoother physics and gradient
✓ Old Rings background added again!

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Boat Browser APK v5.3.1 (5.3.1) + License Key

Whats New in this version:

  • Version 5.3.1 update
  • Fix video bugs for Android 4.0 or above
  • Optimize night mode
  • Support Czech language
  • Add menu button and exit fullscreen button in fullscreen mode. Dont show menu hard key for android4.0 and above
  • Fix bugs in V5.3
  • Get Daily Apps at :

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Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Talking Tom Cat 2 v2 1 1 Apk

Talking Tom Cat 2 v2.1.1 Apk


Tom is back with an all new adventure! Tom is your cat that responds to your touch and repeats everything you say in a funny voice.
Since Tom is now an international celebrity, hes moved out of the alley and into a cool apartment.


Talk to Tom and he will repeat everything you say with a funny voice.
Pet Toms belly or head and make him purr.
Poke his head, belly or feet.
Slap Toms face left and right.
Pull or touch his tail.
Press the fart button to see Ben fart and Tom grab his nose in disgust. After that Tom repeats what you say with his nose closed for a while.
Press the bag button to make Ben pop a paper bag and scare Tom. Its hilarious.
Press the phone button to make Tom play with the original Talking Tom app and repeat after himself in a funny loop.
Press the feathers button to see Ben hit Tom with a pillow.
Press the ? button to make Tom pull random items from behind his back.
Shop & equip Tom with awesome accessories by pressing the coat hanger button.
Record and share videos on YouTube, Facebook or send them by email or MMS.
The award-winning Talking Tom is back with higher QUALITY graphics and animations. This cat really looks good!
The app is now smaller in size. Perfect for the download on the go!
Screenshots : Lets look!!

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Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Threema v1 03 APK

Threema v1.03 APK

Threema is a mobile messaging app that puts security first!


With true end-to-end encryption, you can rest assured that only you and the intended recipient can read your messages.
Unlike other popular messaging apps (including those claiming to use encryption), even we as the server operator have absolutely no way to read your messages.

End-to-end encryption of text messages, images, videos and GPS locations
Contact synchronization (optional): find other Threema users automatically
Send images and videos
Share your location on a map
Verify your contacts’ public keys by scanning a QR code from their mobile phone, all within the app

Threema is Made in Switzerland, and all servers are hosted there as well for maximum privacy.

What’s in this version : (Updated : Jul 17, 2013)

new action to save media to file; process is kept alive by displaying a notification when a master key passphrase is set; fixes memory issues with large videos; stability fixes
Required Android O/S : 4.0+

Screenshots :

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Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

HDR FX Photo Editor Pro v1.3.9
Requirements: 2.2 and up
Overview: HDR FX Photo Editor gives you the best and most vibrant HDR like look on any mobile platform and this is all accomplished from just a single image.
HDR FX Photo Editor Pro v1.3.9 Apk Full App
HDR FX Photo Editor gives you the best and most vibrant HDR like look on any mobile platform and this is all accomplished from just a single image. Use sliders to get the very same HDR look you had admired on many photographic sites. With right adjustments you can have professional results with HDR Effect. The result will be similar to professional HDR camera photographs. Also you can give dramatic black and white effect to your images with a few touches. HDR FX also provides sepia option. Other than HDR effects you can apply Curve adjustments to your photos. We give you same tools with famous desktop photo apps’ tools. One of most used tool from desktop app is curve adjustment. Witt HDR Fx Curve adjustment is now under your fingers. You can do curve adjustments on red green and blue channels you can apply it directly to the rgb channel. HDR Fx also provide another important photo edit tool called Levels. You can achive professional results with adjusting black and white tone adjustment or applying gamma adjustment with a single touch. Another great feature from HDR FX is, frames, HDR FX comes with tens of different frame options.
We have added new features with the recent update, now you can apply pre defined 50 different hdr effect to your photos with one click. If you want to make some changes on an effect you can just apply the effect and make the changes on adjustment parameters and you can get entirely unique result effects.
Pro version gives you:
Full resolution results.
Red, green, blue channel curve adjustment options.
Also it removes ads.
50 new HDR effects
Opacity adjustment on result combination
HDR like results with our special algorithm
HDR Circle control
Composite, curve options(red, green, blue is Pro specific)
Gamma correction
Levels adjustment ( black and white tonal adjustment)
Contrast adjustment
Brightness adjustment
Unsharp filter
Black and white image
Sepia image
Dramatic black and white results
Put frames and border on your photos.
Put borders and frames on your images
Make your images more dramatic with new textures
Vignette filters
Millions of different adjustment combinations.
What’s in this version:
17 new overlay and bokeh effects
50 new HDR effects
Opacity adjustment on result combination
Vignette filters
New border and frames and textures.
Now supports full resolution images.
New feature : Now you can put frames on your photos.
Saved images gallery problem fixed.
Download Zippyshare
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Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

VAT calculator apk Free

VAT calculator apk
VAT calculator apk

Current Version : 2.3
Requires Android : 1.6 and up
Category : Business
Size : 169k

Original Post From

VAT calculator apk Description

Application for quick calculation of VAT. Designed for Android devices. The application requires no special permissions. No ads.

VAT calculator apk Videos and Images

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Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

TSF Shell v1.9.9.3 Patched
Requirements: Android version 2.2 and higher
Overview: TSF Shell 3D is an interface with brand new operating system.
Enable you to freely personalize various widgets to a full range. Let’s say goodbye to the traditional operation system.
Enable you to do multipul-operation, including auto-arragement, multipul-choices, add-to-folder, multipul-deleting, to the items by only one move of the finger. You can also check your folders in various ways.
TSF SHELL 3D has one app page and 4 personalized pages for our users. You can switch between pages by one click at the switch button in the lower left corner.
You can freely create one or more quicklinks for apps and drag them to any page. You can also distribute all the app icon (or even change their angles) freely in the personalized page.
The side column provides the most TSF Shell 3D charateristic widgets, including folders, contacts, music player, weather and so on.
The side column can be personalized as well, including changing the order and position of different catagories. You can create quicklinks of your most frequently used apps and contact in the quick launch in the side column.
TSF Shell 3D has a most powerful theme function. Apart from the difference in style, some themes even allow change in the transition animation.
1. The folder where the application is less than 7, only to circle the icon into the folder.
2. The folder where the application is more than 7, only to drag the icon ftom the folder.
Currently we are still trying to improve our TSF Shell 3D. We will update our product and new widgets regularly. Please check for updates so that you can the best experience.
We also welcome any comments or suggestions for improvement of our product.
Please rate the app if you like it. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at:
Keywords & Tags: TSF Shell,TSF 3D Screen,TSF 3D launcher
What’s in this version:
V Ari 22th
1.Dock bar mode option (Auto-Hide mode / sliding mode / static mode).
2.New 360°desktop selector.
3.New TSFShell preferences interface (more visual and convenient).
4.Fixed the problem of native widget position error.
5.Fixed the default launcher issue(need to download the patch from Google Play).
6.Fixed the problem that some devices freeze.
Download Zippyshare
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Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION

PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION
Req: Android 2.0+ Android Apss

PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION.. A whole music studio in your pocket! Full featured sequencer with social aspects
Build high quality tracks as a sequence of loops, mixing synths, drums, audio recordings, analog modulators and arpeggiators. Apply Fx to channels and export to mp3 or ringtones. Also publish, play and collaborate in our community.. the useful in android... PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK official release in android .. make your own band !

PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION Features:
  • 12-channels mixer with effects, 3-band parametric equalizer and automated PAN/VOL for each track.
  • Channel FX: delay, flanger, chorus, reverb, phaser, distortion, compressor and others.
  • Mastering Toolbox.

PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION Devices:
  • Polyphonic synthesizer: 125 instruments. Automated VCF Cutoff, VCF Res and LFO.
  • Drum Machine: 35 drumkits (17 components with independent volume, pitch, pan and reverb).
  • Recorder: Use built-in mic for live audio recording.
  • Modulator: Analog-like modular synthesizer patched up as an interesting oscillation lab.
  • Arpeggiator: Make interesting music pattern with a full parameterizable algorithm.

Downoad PocketBand Uloops Pro v3.0.2 APK FULL VERSION
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Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Moon Reader Pro v1 9 5b Apk Full App

Moon+ Reader Pro v1.9.5b
Requirements: 1.6 and up
Overview: Your professional book reader for Android.
Professional book reader with powerful controls & full functions.
*Support online ebook libraries and personal calibre ebook server.
*Read local books with smooth scroll and tons of innovation.
Support txt/html/epub/umd/fb2/zip/OPDS, key features:
Full visual options: line space, font scale, bold, italic, shadow, alpha colors, fading edge etc.
10+ themes embedded, includes Day & Night mode switcher, 20+ background images, 20+ book covers.
Various types of paging: touch screen, volume keys or even camera, search or back keys.
24 customized operations (screen click, swipe gesture, hardware keys), apply to 15 customized events: search, bookmark, themes, navigation, font size and more.
5 auto-scroll modes: rolling blind mode; by pixel, by line or by page. Real-time speed control.
Adjust the brightness by sliding your finger along the left edge of the screen, gesture commands supported.
Intelligent paragraph; indent paragraph; trim unwanted blank spaces options.
“Keep your eyes health” options for long-time reading.
Real page turning effect with customized speed/color/transparent; 5 page flip animations;
My Bookshelf design: Favorites, Downloads, Authors, Tags; self bookcover, search, import supported.
Justified text alignment, hyphenation mode supported.
Highlight, Annotation, Dictionary (Offline & Online), Translation, Share functions all in moon+ ebook reader.
Localized in Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Ukrainian.
Additional benifits in pro version:
#Ad free
#Multi-point touch support
#Shake the phone to speak (Text-to-speech, TTS engine support)
#Option for password protection at startup
#Headset keys control
#Book to desktop shortcut support
#Customer email support
What’s in this version : (Updated : Apr 15, 2013)
Fix a dropbox sync error in few devices
Fix a TTS repeat error in chapter end
Update language packages: Swedish, Danish, Amharic, Portuguese, Armenian, Polish, Turkish, Russian


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Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

aTorrent PRO v1.3.3
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: aTorrent PRO - Native P2P BitTorrent Software for Android devices. 

aTorrent PRO - Native P2P BitTorrent Software for Android devices. Download files with ease right to your phone or tablet!
Professional (Ad-free) version.
* Torrent search dialog
* Open torrents right from browser
* Add torrent from file
* Choose download folder
* Partial download (choose files from torrent)
* Multiple parallel downloading
* Option to limit downloads by Wi-Fi
* Option to pause downloads when external power supply is not connected
* Supported protocols: BitTorrent P2P, DHT, Advanced DHT Bootstrap
Coming soon:
* Many other features in development.
Recent changes:
* fixed checking size of selected files only, while add a download
* fixed DHT bootstrap
* fixed fake completion 

Provided by: -Market Militia-

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Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

FaceDial Pro (Photo SpeedDial) apk
FaceDial Pro (Photo SpeedDial) apk

Current Version : 7.1
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
Category : Communication
Size : 248k

Original Post From

FaceDial Pro (Photo SpeedDial) apk Description

This is an alternative speed photo dialer, which allows user to dial number by clicking the contact's photo. The application provides SMS support from same contact. There is a free lite version named as "FaceDial Lite" for evaluation purpose.

User just needs to perform very simple configuration prior to dial the first number.

1) Photo contact selection:
Each "Question mark" shown represents an empty spot. To assign a photo, user can press any empty spot, then select a contact from the contact list popped up. After that the photo for the selected contact will be shown.

2) Photo contact removal:
To remove a selected contact from the panel, press the phone's "menu" button. Select "Remove" option, and then click any contact photo inside the panel. After that that photo will be removed from panel

3) Reset the panel
If you want to reset all selected photo contact, simply press menu button and select "Reset" option.

4) Choose Default Action
If a contact have multiple number/email, you can pick a particular communication mean as the default action.

To do so, please press menu button and select "Default" option. Click the contact photo and then select the default number/email. After that, the default action will be launch whenever you click the photo.

After default action has been picked for a contact, the original number/email list can be shown, if the photo contact is being long pressed.

FaceDial Pro (Photo SpeedDial) apk Videos and Images

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Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Also compatible with Apex Launcher, Nova Launcher, ADW, Holo and others.
This topic contains 400 icons and adding every week! And also contains wallpapers in high resolution. For users of go launcher also contains skins for widgets go.
Recommended system according to your android.

  • Go Launcher from Gingerbread to the current
  • Noba Launcher from Android 4.0 to the current
  • ADW from android 1.6 to the current
  • HOLO Launcher works from android 2.3 with a style "Holo" as the current andrid the most recommended for best effect on older phones.

This is not an application, you need a pitcher like Go, Nova, Apex, Holo, ADW launcher and other custom themes that allow changing icons, if you are not sure which launcher to use according to your phone send us an email and we will help you choosing an better Customization for you either phone or tablet installation

Works with:

  • Go Launcher EX
  • Nova Launcher
  • Apex Launcher
  • ADW Launcher Ex 
  • free ADWLauncher
  • compressed HD Go Launcher (icons only)
  • Launcher Pro
  • Walpaper design and resolution



  • Android Version 4.1.1 has some problems with Go Launcher
  • Especially with the application Golauncher

Install Lockescreen:
Make sure GO Launcher EX or above and GOLocker Ex v1.68 has been installed;

  • Click Go locker ->
  • Menu select installed ->
  • choose a theme “Concept KLP” and apply.
  • Enjoy.

Nova Launcher free or Prime

  • Nova Settings ->
  • Look and feel ->
  • Icon theme->
  • choose a theme “theme android KLP” and apply.
  • Enjoy.

Whats in this version: (Updated : May 16, 2013)
  • Fix Golocker
  • New Icon Hangouts
  • New Icon Viber, Whatsapp

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Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Beauty Camera v1.48 AdFree
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: "Beauty Camera" is designed to make your photo look more beautiful.

When you take photos in dark room, the face or object will not lookas beautiful as usual. BeautyCamera helps solve the problem.
You can not only adjust the brightness but also tonal and detail of the photo. With the app you can also smooth the skin, remove spot on the face.
- Take new photo or select photo in phone
- Compare the effect with previous photo
- Adjust brightness, tonal, smoothing and detal
- Save new image
- Share images with your friends via facebook, twitter, email etc

Whats in this version:
*Fix bug for cant save in some device. Special thanks Jossie.
*Fix crash bugs.
More Info:
Download Instructions:

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Download DoggCatcher Podcast Player v1.2.4008 APK. Manage your podcasts and RSS/news feeds with the first Podcatcher in the Google Market.

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Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

System Tuner Pro v2 5 9

System Tuner Pro v2.5.9
System Tuner Pro v2.5.9
Requirements: 1.5 and up
Overview: The most complete all-in-1 Android system tuner for your phones and tablets!

 Monitor and record your phones logs, app/process activities, CPU, memory (RAM, internal storage, internal & external SD).
 By far the lowest consumption monitoring app!

 App checked with Privacy Inspector! If you dont want WIFI, BT, PHONE and GPS permissions, please check app Limited System Tuner Pro.

 Use logcat to debug or help debug your favorites apps
 Use terminal emulator for direct linux commands
 Highly configurable! Check web-site for app consumption!

 The app can:
 - Show data (cpu, memory) in the status bar
 - Sort processes by cpu time, total cpu time, start time, cpu consumption, memory used or simply by name
 - Filter system processes or user-defined excluded list
 - Shows cpu load/frequency, memory/internal/sd usage
 - Record (optionally at boot) activities in the background
 - Allows analyzing previous recordings
 - Display log(cat) for all/one process
 - Display memory details (RAM & internal)
 - Display SD details (internal & external)
 - Run command using terminal emulator
 - Kill non manually excluded apps automatically

 The app can also do the following on rooted phones:
 - Tweak SD cache size to boost performance (not all phones supported, please report)
 - Tweak Android auto-kill memory settings
 - Tweak CPU governor + frequencies

 The widget can:
 - Use different backgrounds (HTC or Google-like) half or fully transparent
 - Show cpu load, free/used memory (flash/internal/sd) available, process count, using text or 2 side levels.
 - Starts 2 different actions by clicking on the icon or label, including:
 . Start/stop recording process activity
 . Kill all non-excluded processes
 . Refresh
 . Start task manager
 . Open analyzer
 . Open settings

 -== Check web-site for tests on various phones ==-
 -== Does consume very little CPU/battery ==-

 All system apps are excluded by default!
 Kernel processes cannot be killed

 Whats in this version:
 Add notification when stopping recorder without enough data to save
 Revert support for MSM processor-based devices (kernel issue)
 Updated chinese translations (Thanks 吴天豪)
 Fix CPU graphs timeline
Download Instructions:
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Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Ultimate Stick Fight v1 2 1 2 APK

Ultimate Stick Fight v1.2 [1.2] APK

Ultimate Stick Fight
The only hope in this martial arts, beat-em-up, stick-fighting tour-de-force is for you to master a challenging assortment of awesome combo moves. Embrace the soul of the great warrior to stick it to em and save your city!


Play as Ryan or Slash, one uses a sword and the other his bare sticks
Each player must master his own 20 fight moves and styles
Learn insane combos that punch, kick, juggle, slide, spin, and moreString together built-in combos to create incredible attack combinations
Pick up and throw objects like boxes, dumpsters and phone booths!STICK WITH IT

Overcome challenging bosses in 40 stages and 8 unique environments
3 levels of difficulty to prove youve got the biggest stick in town
Earn coins and stars as you defeat your enemies
Purchase new combos or upgrade existing skills to unlock new moves
Upgrade your skills for new animations and more effective combosUltimate Stick Fight fuses the depth of skill of a realistic fighting game with the action and adventure of a beat-em-up scroller! Layer combo upon combo in this unbelievably addictive stickfighting game.

Required Android O/S : 2.2+

Screenshots :

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Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

aTilt 3D Labyrinth APK v1 5 7 1 5 7

aTilt 3D Labyrinth APK v1.5.7 (1.5.7)

with OpenFeint support for high scores and achievements, theres always something to new to do! play now!
Features and version updated!

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Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

doubleTwist Player Premium v2.0.0 (Unlocked)
Requirements: Requires Android phones; MacOS X 10.5 or higher on your Mac, or WinXP SP2/Vista/Windows 7 on your PC
Overview: ”The Cure for iTunes withdrawal” — New York Times
Are you tired of using multiple apps for things that your iPod could do out of the box? Download doubleTwist Player and get the best all-in-one music, podcast, radio, video & sync app:
♬ Sync music (including iTunes playlists) to your phone from your Mac/PC over USB or AirSync over WiFi.
♬ Download legal, high-quality album artwork for your music.
♬ Smart Playlists for easy access to your Top Rated and Most Played songs.
♬ Subscribe to podcasts without needing a Mac/PC and get new episodes downloaded automatically over 3G or WiFi.
♬ Stream music, videos and photos to devices such as Xbox, PS3, Sonos, and Apple TV (black model; AirPort Express not yet supported).
doubleTwist Player is a free download and there is a choice of in-app upgrades for premium features such as AirSync and podcast management. Alternatively, you can upgrade to doubleTwist Pro and get the three premium features bundled together at a discount.
doubleTwist is handmade with ❤ in San Francisco.
Need help with doubleTwist?
If you have comments or feedback on our app, please send to android-support at first as there’s no way to reply to comments in the Android Market. Thanks!
The free companion doubleTwist desktop app requires MacOS X 10.5 or higher on your Mac, or WinXP SP3 / Vista SP2 / Windows 7 on your PC.
Use of this app is subject to the doubleTwist Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:
What’s in this version:
New in v2.0.0:
♬ Tired of listening to the same old songs from your music library?
♬ Introducing Magic Radio, a personalized streaming service that seamlessly blends music from your music library with new music uniquely tailored to your musical taste from a catalog of over 13 million songs.
♬ Make your playlists infinite, find a station for every mood or genre, and discover great new artists. Plus, there are no ads, just music you love!
♬ Magic Radio is currently only available to US users.
This app has NO advertisements
Release info:
Enable premium features such as AirSync and podcast management ect.
Thanks to otricy
More Info:
Download Instructions:
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